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Common Death Adder

Acanthophis antarcticus

Highly Venomous

Other common names: Death Adder

Common Death Adder in leaf litter
Common Death Adder profile pic of head

Species Profile

Common Death Adder

  • Significance to Humans

    Highly Venomous

    Bites from this species have been responsible for human fatalities. Although not aggressive, a ready biter if harassed. Immediate treatment and proper first aid are crucial in the event of a bite from this species.

  • General Description

    The Common Death Adder has a short, thick body with a distinct large triangular head and a narrow neck. Its tail is abruptly short and thin, typically cream or black in colour. The snake’s overall colouration varies but generally consists of shades of grey to reddish-brown with irregular cross-banding. The belly is greyish-cream with dark flecks, and the lips often have bars or stripes. Scales on its body may be roughish or weakly keeled. Midbody scales at 21-23 rows.

  • Average Length

    On average, between 40 to 50 centimetres, with specimens as large as 75 centimetres being uncommon.

  • Habitat in SE Qld

    This species is found in remnant or established eucalypt forests and woodlands with grassy understory and good leaf cover. It also favours areas with rock outcrops and ridge lines.

  • General habits

    The Common Death Adder is a nocturnal and highly secretive snake. It relies on its cryptic colouration and lies half-buried in substrate to ambush prey. It often uses the tip of its tail to attract unsuspecting prey.

  • Diet

    Primarily preys on small mammals, lizards, frogs, and other reptiles.

  • Local distribution

    The specific habitat requirements of the Common Death Adder restrict its distribution to remnant forest areas of the D’Aguilar Range, including Mt Nebo and Mt Glorious. It can also be found in southern regions. Rare suburban sightings have occurred, with one reliable record from the front verandah of a home in Upper Brookfield.

  • Around the home

    Encounters with the Common Death Adder are rare due to its specific habitat preferences. However, the snake’s fondness for heavy leaf litter may occasionally lead it to forested gardens near suitable habitat. It is essential to exercise caution in such areas and seek professional assistance if a Common Death Adder is spotted to ensure safe handling and relocation if needed.

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